We’ve been reaping the benefits of our paper-free system MyMobileWorkers!
A year on since we introduced the system, we’ve cut down on paperwork by 100% and doubled our efficiency, supporting our aim to deliver our temporary traffic management schemes on time for our customers!
As a traffic management supplier within the private and public sector, we complete detailed Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Quality Plans free of charge for all customers.
Before the system launch, these documents were completed on paper and distributed to our operatives delivering traffic management from our Lincolnshire and Grays depots across the UK.
Using MyMobileWorkers allows documents to be accessed immediately via the team’s mobile devices, allowing operatives to complete Street Works or High Speed contracts for customers at greater speed.
Rather than waiting for paperwork to be returned, our Business and Site Services teams can see job information from operatives straightaway, reducing administration time and costs.
As a result we have cut down on paperwork by 100%, supporting our environmental policy.
Another benefit of the process is that operatives must submit photographic evidence of their works in order to remain compliant with Chapter 8 Traffic Signs Manual and our NHSS 12A/B and 12D.
The benefits of using the system was instantaneous as Grace Goodall, Nationwide Traffic Solutions, Business Services Manager, said: “We had been considering MyMobileWorkers for some time but started using the system around 18 months ago. Implementing the process was simple, quick and we saw the benefits straightaway.
“MyMobileWorkers has improved the efficiency of our working processes and dramatically reduced the amount of paper we use, supporting our environmental and ‘paper free’ working policy.”
Find out how we can improve the efficiency of your next project by taking care of all your traffic management!